Fault Studies
Surface faults are a natural hazard that adversely affects structures of all types. Identification prior to development can minimize the financial effect on builders and developers. Identification of subtly expressed faults requires both the expertise of geoscience professionals and an adherence to the fault investigation guidelines established by the Houston Geological Society. These guidelines are incorporated in the rigorous program that Terrain Solutions Inc.employs in its fault investigations.
Aquifer Characterization
TSI has the expertise to characterize an aquifer as to its quality which is key to determining clean-up levels in an environmental risk assessment. Aquifer features such as porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic gradient, and fraction of organic content are essential in determining the fate and transport of a contaminant in groundwater. Proper assessment using a yield test, slug test, or pump test can save time and money in assessing a risk to a Point of Exposure such as a water well or water body.
Subsidence and Sinkhole
Man-made and natural features can cause cracks in pavement and foundations or the depression of the ground. Proper assessment of the cause of this damage can assist in the mitigation. Man-made elements such as leaking sewer or storm lines can mine adjacent soils causing ground subsidence or collapse. Buried stream channels or oil exploration mud pits that were improperly filled and compacted can subside causing damage. TSI geologists can ascertain these causes and work with engineers on their resolution.